Zan Image Printer 添加自定义纸张尺寸

2014-09-02 浏览:4814
Zan Image Printer 添加自定义纸张尺寸

Zan Image Printer supports many standard paper sizes as well as custom paper sizes. See "General Settings" for instructions on how to set paper sizes. Paper sizes in inches or cm can be found in the list of supported paper sizes. 

Custom paper size can be created by completing the following steps: 

On Windows XP Professional:

a) Click the Start button

b) Click Printers and Faxes within the Start menu

c) Select Server Properties from the File menu, click Create a new form, type a custom paper name in the Form name text box and enter the desired paper size under Paper size. Click the Save Form button, and the custom paper will be added to the existing paper list.

d) You may need to close and reopen your application for the newly defined custom paper size to take effect. 

On Windows 7:

a) Click the Start menu, then Control Panel, and finally View devices and printers. 

b) Click a printer in the list (e.g., Zan Image Printer (BW)), then click Print server properties. 

c) Click Create a new form, type a custom paper name in the Form name text box and enter the desired paper size under Paper size. Click the Save Form button, and the custom paper will be added to the existing paper list. 

d) You may need to close and reopen your application for the newly defined custom paper size to take effect. 


发布:zpblog | 分类:Windows | Tags:zan 打印机


